

Hippeia or Hippea is the name of two characters in Greek mythology.

Athena Hippeia

Athena Hippeia (or Hippeia Athena, "Athena of Horses") is Athena as a goddess of horses. In this form, she was said to be the daughter of Poseidon and Polyphe, daughter of Oceanus. She was given her name because she was the first to use a chariot. [Suidas, Athena Hippeia.]

Daughter of Antippus

Hippea is the daughter of Antippus. She married Elatus and bore Polyphemus, Caeneus, and Ischys. [Hyginus. "Fabulae", [http://www.theoi.com/Text/HyginusFabulae1.html 14] .]


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