- Acacia mellifera
name = "Acacia mellifera"
image_width = 250px
regnum =Plantae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
subfamilia =Mimosoideae
genus = "Acacia "
species = "A. mellifera"
binomial = "Acacia mellifera"
binomial authority = (M. Vahl )Bentham (1842)
range_map_width = 250px
range_map_caption = Range of "Acacia mellifera"
synonyms =
* "Mimosa mellifera" M. Vahl [http://www.ildis.org/LegumeWeb?version~10.01&LegumeWeb&tno~315&genus~Acacia&species~mellifera ILDIS LegumeWeb] ]"Acacia mellifera" is a perennial tree which is not listed as being threatened.What goes here?]
The name "mellifera" refers to its sweet-smelling blossoms and honey. Its lumber turns pitch black when oiled. Common names of the tree include Blackthorn and Swaarthaak (
Afrikaans ).Distribution
"Acacia mellifera" is found in the dry areas of
Africa , theArabian Peninsula ,Australia ,India and in theIndian Ocean area.What goes here?]Characteristics
"Acacia mellifera" can manifest itself either as a multi-trunked bush up to seven meters high with more or less a funnel-shaped crown, but also as a small single-trunked tree, which can reach a height of up to nine meters. This kind of acacia can reproduce by seed formation and by stick excursion to form an impenetrable thicket of several hundred individuals.
In the dry regions of Africa, "Acacia mellifera" is used, among other things, as fencing, feed and building material for huts. In some places, the blossom
nectar is used as food, but primarily the milky sap is used to induce vomiting and the boiled bark is used to treat belly pain,pneumonia andmalaria .Animal uses
This tree is an important food resource for both cattle and wild animals especially in dry areas of Africa as the leaves and young branches are very nutritious containing a high percentage of protein. The flowers are often eaten by
kudu . Common browsers of the tree includeblack rhino ,giraffe and theeland .Subspecies
*"Acacia mellifera" (Vahl)Benth. subsp. "detinens" (Burchell)Brenan
*"Acacia mellifera" (Vahl)Benth. subsp. "mellifera" [ [http://www.ildis.org/LegumeWeb/6.00/fam/f2.shtml ILDIS] ]References
General references
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwarzdorn-Akazie Wikipedia (German) "Schwarzdorn-Akazie"]
* [http://www.safari-guide.co.uk/trees_acacia_mellifera.php "Acacia mellifera": A Guide to trees (Safari Holiday Guide)]
* [http://www.fao.org/ag/AGP/agpc/doc/Gbase/DATA/Pf000122.htm]Notes
External links
* [http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&gbv=1&q=%22Acacia+mellifera%22&btnG=Search+Images "Acacia mellifera" Photos (Google Images)]
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