

Alcinoe is the name that is attributed to two women in Greek mythology:

*Alcinoe, daughter of Polybus of Corinth and wife of Amphilochus, son of Dryas. She refused to pay the full wages to a weaver she had hired, and the woman prayed to Athena to avenge her. The goddess afflicted Alcinoe with a passion for Xanthus of Samos and she left her husband and children and ran away with him. Coming to her senses in the middle of the voyage, she wept bitter tears and threw herself into the sea. [Parthenius of Nicaea, Love Stories, 27 [ (Theoi Project - Parthenius)] ]

*Alcinoe, a naiad, and one of the "nymphai Lykaaides" (nymphs of Mount Lykaios in Arkadia). Her parents were Oceanus and Tethys. She had her fellow nymphs assist Rhea whilst she was in labour with Zeus and helped nurse the infant god. [ [ Theoi Project - Nymphai Lykaiai] ]


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