

ALT may stand for:

*ALT (band), a group of musicians, the members of which are Andy White, Liam O'Maonlai and Tim Finn.
*ALT Linux, a distribution of Linux computer software, or a team of developers that work on the software.
*One of a number of alternate bannered U.S. highways.
*Alanine transaminase, an enzyme in the liver.
*Alternative lengthening of telomeres, a mechanism (other than telomerase) that cells use to maintain telomere length.
*Amtrak station in Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA.
*Altrincham railway station (National Rail) in Altrincham, England.
*Analytical-Literal Translation, a translation of the New Testament by Gary Zeolla of Darkness to Light Ministries.
*Anti leech tracker, a BitTorrent tracker which controls traffic of their clients.
*Approach and Landing Tests, conducted by NASA during the Space Shuttle program.
*Argon laser trabeculoplasty, a method of eye surgery.
*Assistant Language Teacher, the job title of people employed in Japan as an assistant English teacher in a public school.
*Association for Learning Technology in Oxford, England.
*Accelerated Life Tests, durability, stability or longevity tests that simulate the effects of long term usage.

Alt may also mean:

*Alt attribute, an attribute in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), whose value is text that is normally used to indicate the function of an image in situations where the image is not displayed.
*Alt key, the key on a computer keyboard used to change the function other keys.
*Alt.* hierarchy, a hierarchy of USENET newsgroups.
*Altbier, a variety of German beer.
*Alternate character, a secondary character created by a player of Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games or Massively Mutliplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG)
*Another name for an Internet sock puppet
*A resident account in the virtual online world of Second Life that is not the primary account of its owner
*Alternative music, a form of rock music with diverse multi-genre influences, often associated with indie rock.
*River Alt, a river in Merseyside, England.
*Alt, an alternative identity on the internet. The creation of an alternative account for any reason including for use as a Sockpuppet. This term is commonly used in, for example,
*Alt, Greater Manchester, an area of Oldham, England.

Alt is also the name of:

*A.L.T. (born 1970), American rapper.
*Albrecht Alt (1883–1956), German bible scholar and theologian.
*Carol Alt (born 1960), American model and actress.
*Franz Alt (mathematician) (born 1910), Austrian-born American mathematician and computer scientist.
*Franz Alt (journalist) (born 1938), German renewable energy activist and journalist.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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