

Insming is a village located in the Moselle department, part of the Lorraine (region) in Eastern France.


* INSMING is situated at about 60 km South East of Metz, about 80 km North East of Nancy and about 100 km North West of Strasbourg.

* The exact coordinates of INSMING are: 48° 57' 24" North and 06° 52' 30" East. Its altitude is 215 meters minimum and 273 meters maximum.

* INSMING is part of the "Canton" d'Albestroff, which is part of the "Arrondissement" of Château-Salins.


Since the eighth century, INSMING has been known under different names: Asmangia, Esminga, Amange, Ensmingen... It seems that INSMING is the oldest village of the "canton" of Albestroff. In the 12th century, INSMING was the headquarter of a priesthood dependent on Saint-Mihiel Abbey, which was founded at the end of the 11th century. INSMING was a small dependence of Counts de Ferrettes and de Montbeliard.

After WWII, INSMING saw an economic boom, mainly thanks to Fernand Lambert (1904-1981), who was its mayor from 1945 to 1977. He inaugurated the first high school in the Moselle department after the war.

Things to See

* The Saint-Clément church and its 18th century organ, which is the biggest in Moselle, and possibly one of the largest in rural areas in the world.

* The 17th century "Calvaire."

* The cemetery "ossuaire."


* [ Insming on the Geoportail's website]
* [ Insming on the Institut Géographique National's website]
* [ Insming on the Insee's website]
* [ Insming on a map]
* [ Map of Insming on Mapquest]
* [ A Blog on Insming with some photos.]
* [,-95.677068&sspn=66.281516,104.941406&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=48.956777,6.874695&spn=0.027447,0.051241&t=h&om=1 Map of Insming on Google]

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