

Poke646 is a single-player mod for the computer game "Half-Life". Set in an east German city, it concerns an alien outbreak. The mod features new weapons and enemies, and has many similarities with "Half-Life 2".


The main character is Damien Reeves, who the player controls throughout Poke646.

The Black Mesa Research Facility has beenshut down. The nation never got to knowanything about the experiments there. Theless you know, the less you worry. The government founded a new organisationto handle "alien related topics". They hiredthe best scientists, technicians and militaryforces worldwide. Its name is Poke646. Some days ago the Poke646 scientists spottedalarming signals from the Xen homeworld. Itlooks as if the aliens plan to invade NationCity by opening a massive amount of portals. But the Poke646 Tech Labs are already prepared:some months ago the technicians developed a hugegenerator which is able to close hundreds ofportals at once with a bundled energy beam. Four generators are about to be installed at theedges of Nation City. With all four activatedthey will form a giant beam and hopefullydestroy the alien portal technology forever. [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Reviews.Detail&id=10 Poke646 review by Yahtzee at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=77 Poke646 review by Stylez at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=181 Poke646 review by Gregory "Capt. Insane" Hall at Planet Half-Life.] ]


Poke646 takes place in a giant city called Nation City and takes the player through many thrilling environments. From Industries to sewers, backstreets, dubious bars, dingy apartments and hotels, subways, slums, harbour docks and warehouse districts before landing the player in the remote world of Xen. [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Reviews.Detail&id=10 Poke646 review by Yahtzee at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=77 Poke646 review by Stylez at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=181 Poke646 review by Gregory "Capt. Insane" Hall at Planet Half-Life.] ]


All of the weapons encountered in Poke646 are original and developed exclusively for Poke646. [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Reviews.Detail&id=10 Poke646 review by Yahtzee at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=77 Poke646 review by Stylez at Planet Half-Life.] ] [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=181 Poke646 review by Gregory "Capt. Insane" Hall at Planet Half-Life.] ]

* Heaterpipe - The equivalent to the crowbar in Half Life, the Heaterpipe is slower but causes more damage.
* Bradnailer - Semi-automatic nailgun fires from a 25-round magazine. Secondary fire shoots faster, but is less accurate. The Bradnailer is a reliable and accurate backup weapon.
* Nailer - Fully automatic nailgun, fires from a 50-round circular magazine. Although quite weak and inaccurate, the Nailer is the most commonly used weapon in Poke646. Uses the same ammunition as the Bradnailer.
* Shotgun - The Shotgun in Poke646 is a double-barrel, pump-action buckshot Shotgun. It is first picked up in Poke646 at the back of a counter in a bar. The Shotgun holds 12 rounds and fires two rounds per shot.
* Bow Rifle - The Bow Rifle or crossbow is an effective sniper weapon which usually kills its target with one shot. Ammo for the Bow Rifle is not very common and only should be used when necessary.
* Xen Squasher - The Xen Squasher is actually a living creature from Xen, the Xen Squasher fires deadly acid at its target. The Xen Squasher can be reloaded by feeding it "Yum Yum Candy" which is picked up throughout Poke646.
* Pipe Bomb - The Pipe Bomb is a more effective equivalent to the hand grenade, the Pipe Bomb is thrown by clicking the left mouse button once and is then detonated by clicking the left mouse button again. The Pipe Bomb can be recollected if not detonated.


Poke646 was very well received by the Half Life community and has won several awards including "Mod of the Year" from Planet Half-Life. Poke646 has been downloaded over 300 000 times since its release in 2001 and still gets an average of 100 downloads a week five years on from its release.Fact|date=February 2008

Poke646: Vendetta

A smaller sequel to Poke646 named "Poke646: Vendetta" was released on 21st December 2006, five years on from the original. Poke646: Vendetta was downloaded 5 000 times in the first two days, which is record-breaking amongst Half Life mods. As of May 2007 Poke646: Vendetta has been downloaded 50,000 times.Fact|date=February 2008

Poke646: Vendetta's story continues on from the end of the first Poke646 and the player reprises the role of Damien Reeves. Damien Reeves plans to seek revenge for being betrayed by the Poke646 team and to stop the Poke646 scientists from destroying Nation City to stop the Xen invasion. The player fights his way through parts of Nation City again to reach the Poke646 HQ and then the Alpha labs where Dr. Fuller and other staff are planning the nuclear clear out of Nation City. The player finds out that detonation charges have been placed in the conference room, and has to find the detonator. After battling with a large Robot, the player finds the detonator and detonates the conference room, killing everyone inside, including Dr. Fuller. A cut scene reveals Damien reading a letter from a Vice-President of Poke646, saying he has been promoted for his actions and someone from administration will be there soon. A door opens revealing a man in a suit with a briefcase (his face is not seen), he simply says: "Quite a nasty piece of work, you managed over there. I am impressed." His voice reveals the identity of the G-Man from the Half-Life series. [ [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=184 Vendetta review at Planet Half-Life.] ]

External links

* http://www.poke646.com - The official Poke646 site
* [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Reviews.Detail&id=10 Poke646 review by Yahtzee at Planet Half-Life.]
* [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=77 Poke646 review by Stylez at Planet Half-Life.]
* [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=181 Poke646 review by Gregory "Capt. Insane" Hall at Planet Half-Life.]
* [http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HLMotw.Detail&id=184 Vendetta review at Planet Half-Life.]


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