- Gauhar Rakhmetalieva
Gauhar Rakhmetalieva, 20 years old has won the opportunity to represent
Kazakhstan inMiss Universe 2007 inMexico City ,Mexico on the 28th of May in hope of becoming Miss Universe but didn't place. She is only the second woman to represent Kazakhstan at aMiss Universe pageant. Dina Nuraliyeva was the first to do so in just the previous year.Fast Facts
* Height: 5'9
* Hair Color: Black
* Eye Color: BrownExternal links
* [http://televisione.marangio.it/miss/universo/concorrenti-2007/europa/miss-009.htm Pageant news, Kazakhstan]
* [http://www.missuniverse.com/delegates/2007/files/KZ.html Miss Universe page]
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