

:"For other meanings see Grand Slam"

"Grandslam" is a fictional character from the various Transformers universes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Grandslam

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Communications
rank =4
function =Audio Correspondent
partner =Raindance
motto = "The sounds of war are history speaking."
alternatemodes =Tank/Cassette Tape
series =Transformers: Generation 1
voiceby =
He is an Autobot and part of the mini-cassette team. He has no robot form, only a tank and cassette mode. He fights with dual repulsors and a smoke discharger weapon. He combines with his partner, Raindance, to form Slamdance.

As a member of the Autobot communications sub-group Raindance frequently worked with its other members - Blaster, Eject, Raindance, Ramhorn, Rewind and Steeljaw.

War-weary veteran of ten thousand battles on a hundred worlds. Dedicated his life to recording the sounds of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict: the nervous laughter, the cries of pain, the blistering explosions, the chilling quiets. Hopes his work will one day serve as a grim reminder of the awful price of war. Can audio-record up to 20 years of sound. Armament is purely defensive: smoke discharger combines with dual repulsors. With his partner Raindance, combines to form Slamdance. []

Marvel Comics

Grandslam first appeared in issue #47. He last appeared in issue #48.

Dreamwave Productions

Grandslam was among the Autobot resistance during the "Age of Interment", shown in the third "War Within" series.


*Generation 1 Grandslam with Raindance (1988)


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