- Linton Brooks
Former Ambassador Linton F. Brooks was sworn in as Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) on May 16, 2003. [http://www.nnsa.doe.gov/lintonfbrooksbio.htm Administrator, Ambassador Linton F. Brooks] NSNA Website, n.d., retrieved 1 April 2007] While he was NNSA administrator, the agency decided to raise the contractor fee for operatingLos Alamos National Laboratory from $8 million to $79 million. The additional funds were to be extracted from the existing budget of the laboratory. [Santa Fe New Mexican, 20 May 2005: "Feds Sweeten Deal for LANL Manager", by D. Heil.] When asked by LANL employees how the additional costs were to be paid, Brooks replied in December 2005 that the new contractor would "realize operational efficiencies." On November 20, 2007, the new LANL manager announced layoffs. [Associated Press, 11/7/2007, "Los Alamos Nuclear Lab plans Layoffs," by F. Fonseca]Resignation
Brooks resigned on January 4, 2007, because of security lapses, according to the "
San Francisco Chronicle ". [ [http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/01/05/NUKE.TMP "Nation's nuclear lab chief loses job"] , San Francisco Chronicle, 5 January 2007, Retrieved 1 April 2007.]
Brooks was reprimanded for not reporting to Energy SecretarySamuel Bodman regarding the theft of computer files at an NNSA facility in Albuquerque, NM, which contained Social Security numbers and other data for 1,500 workers.Then, in October, classified weapons-related documents on USB thumb drives from the
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico were found during a drug raid in the home of a woman who had worked at the lab.Biography
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