

Ramulus is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes.

Transformers character
name = Ramulus

caption =Ramulus toy
affiliation = Maximal
subgroup = Deluxe Beast
Transmetal II
rank = 5
function = Scout, Survivalist
partner =
motto = "Stand aside or I'll stand on your insides."
alternatemodes = Transmetal II
series = "Beast Wars"

Beast Wars

Ramulus is a Maximal who turns into a Transmetal II/Ephopian Ibex. His two comic book appearances do not exactly match his bio. Ramulus is initially described as a Cybertronian who trust neither Maximal nor Predacon and lives alone in the mountains, but apparently does work with the Maximals. It is also indicates that his spark is some how "fractured" ands generates disruptive ion pulses. The comic books do not touch upon this.

Animated series

Ramulus' stasis pod was presumably among those who were launched into orbit around prehistoric Earth in the "Beast Wars" series pilot.

IDW Publishing

Originally his protoform was recovered by Magmatron's Predacons and infected with a Predacon shell program. Unbeknownst to Magmatron, his technical expert Razorbeast was a Maximal double-agent and had managed to modify the program so a significant number of those infected emerged as Maximals. After activation B'Boom, Bonecrusher, Optimus Minor, Ramulus, Snarl and Wolfang joined up lead by Razorbeast. Ramulus was later injured by the Predacon Spittor in an ambush.

After the defeat of Magmatron's Predacons the united group of Maximals awaited rescue from Cybertron.

In "Beast Wars: The Ascending" Armordillo, B'Boom, Bantor, Buzzclaw, Cybershark, Lazorbeak, Manterror, Optimus Minor, Powerpinch, Ramulus, Razorbeast, Retrax, Scuba, Sky Shadow, Spittor, Stinkbomb and Terragator were wounded in battle and left on Earth. Together they fought and defeated the Blendtrons Drancron, Elephaorpha and Rartorarta. Although Razorbeast survived the battle he was infected with Rartorarta's maddening sting and had to be put down by Optimus Minor to stop him from attacking his allies.

3H Enterprises

Ramulus was furious that Optimus Primal had left him and the other protoforms behind. He joined Primal Prime, Tigatron, and Airazor in their battle against the Vok empowered Tarantulus on prehistoric Earth.

Following that conflict, Ramulus ventured home to Cybertron and became a Wrecker. When Ramulus arrived on Cybertron he was immunized by Ape-Linq against the transformation locking virus created by Megatron. The rag-tag group set off in an Autobot shuttle, headed toward a set of coordinates that the Oracle planted in Primal Prime's head.

According to the script for the unreleased issue #4 of "Transformers: Universe - The Wreckers" the Wreckers returned to Cybertron where they helped repel the an invasion by the Quintessons.


*Beast Wars Transmetal II Ramulus (1998):Ramulus was recolored into "Transformers: Universe" Longhorn.:There were plans to recolor Ramulus for a special BotCon release, but the toy was never made.

*BotCon Ramulus (unreleased):A green color variant of Ramulus was designed by Hasbro to be released in the transmetal 2 line, but was never released. At least 6 were known to be produced. This color variant inspired Ramulus' colors in the 3H Enterprises Wreckers comic books. Although there were plans to release this color variant as a BotCon exclusive figure, it never came to be. In August of 2007 one of the rare green redecos of Ramulus sold on ebay for $760.

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