

Infobox Album
Name = Sicks
Type = Studio
Artist = Barnes & Barnes

Released = 1986
July 2005 (Reissue)
Recorded = Lumania, 1985-1986
Genre = Novelty Rock
Length = 39:24
64:48 (Reissue)
Label = Rhino Records
Oglio Records (Reissue)
Producer = Barnes & Barnes
Bob Casale ("What's New Pussycat")
Gerry Beckley ("Blithering #2")
Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|2.5|5 [ link]
Last album = "Amazing Adult Fantasy"
This album = "Sicks" (1986)
Next album = ""

"Sicks" is the fourth album released by novelty rock group Barnes & Barnes. It was originally released in 1986 by Rhino Records, and rereleased in 2005 by Oglio Records. Its title takes its name from the fact that it is their sixth non-single release (including their previous three albums and two EP's), and also that it was deliberately created as a "sick" album. A sticker on the shrinkwrap of the original LP read, "Warning! The sickest songs ever collected on one record."

Track listing

(All songs are by Barnes & Barnes, unless otherwise noted)

#"If You Wanna Be Happy" (Guida/Guida/Royster)
#"Homophobic Dream #22"
#"Pussy Whipped" (Mumy/Ferrer/Joliffe)
#"Dead Baby Hunt"
#"Pizza Face"
#"Lick Lap"
#"Scary Love"
#"Pineapple Princess" (Sherman/Sherman)
#"Sit on My Lap and Call Me Daddy"
#"Baby Come Home" (Artie Barnes)
#"Love Button"
#"Pre-School Games"
#"Smelly Finger Blues"
#"I Hate the Boss" (originally titled "I Got a Job")

The 2005 reissue contains additional bonus tracks.


#The cover of the album is from the video of "Love Tap" from Spazchow.
#"I Hate the Boss" was originally on the "lost" album Code of Honor, and was reworked for this album. It appears in its original form on Kodovoner
#Pussy Whipped was co-written by actor Miguel Ferrer. It is through Bob and Bill's friendship with Miguel that got his father Jose Ferrer to appear in their video release Zabagabee.

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