Acacia longifolia

Acacia longifolia

name = "Acacia longifolia"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Foliage and blossoms of "Acacia longifolia"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
subfamilia = Mimosoideae
genus = "Acacia"
species = "A. longifolia"
binomial = "Acacia longifolia"
binomial_authority = (Andr.) Willd.

range_map_width = 240px
range_map_caption = Range of "Acacia longifolia"
synonyms =
* "Acacia longifolia" (Andrews) Willd. var. "typica" Benth.
* "Mimosa longifolia" Andrews
* "Mimosa macrostachya" Poir.
* "Phyllodoce longifolia" (Andrews) Link
* "Racosperma longifolium" (Andrews) C. Mart. [cite web
title=Acacia longifolia - ILDIS LegumeWeb

"Acacia longifolia" is a species of "Acacia" native to southeastern Australia, from the extreme southeast of Queensland, eastern New South Wales, eastern and southern Victoria, and southeastern South Australia. Common names for it include Acacia Trinervis, Aroma Doble, Golden Wattle, Sallow Wattle and Sydney Golden Wattle. It is not listed as being a threatened species,Australian Plant Name Index: [ "Acacia longifolia"] ] What goes here?] and is considered invasive in Portugal and South Africa. [ Vespa australiana pode ajudar a reduzir invasão das acácias] ] It is a tree that grows very quickly reaching 7-10 m in five to six years. [ [ Warringah Online] ]


There are two subspecies:
*"Acacia longifolia" subsp. "longifolia"
*"Acacia longifolia" subsp. "sophorae" (Labill.) Court


"Acacia longifolia" is widely cultivated in subtropical regions of the world. Its uses include prevention of soil erosion, food (flowers, seeds and seed pods), yellow dye (from the flowers), green dye (pods) and wood. [Plants for a Future: [ "Acacia longifolia"] ] The flower colour derives from the organic compound kaempferol. [Lycaeum: [ Phytochemistry Intro] ] The tree's bark has limited use in tanning, primarily for sheepskin. It is useful for securing uninhabited sand in coastal areas, primarily where there are not too many hard frosts. [ [ Google Books] "Select Extra-tropical Plants Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture Or Naturalization: With ..." By Ferdinand von Mueller]


*N-(2-imidazol-4-yl-ethyl)-trans- [ cinnamamide] [ Repke, DB. The histamine amides of Acacia longifolia. Lloydia. 1975 Mar-Apr;38(2):101-5.] ]
*N-(2-imidazol-4-yl-ethyl)-deca-trans-2, cis-4-dienamide



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