

name = Chatterjeeines
fossil_range = Late Triassic

image_caption = "Effigia".
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
unranked_ordo = Crurotarsi
ordo = Rauisuchia
familia = Poposauridae
subfamilia = Chatterjeeinae
subfamilia_authority = Long & Murray, 1995
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Effigia" "Shuvosaurus" "Sillosuchus"

Chatterjeeinae is a subfamily of the family Poposauridae, first named by Long and Murray in 1995, and anchored on the genus "Chatterjeea". In 2007, Nesbitt showed that the poposaurid "Effigia" was very similar to "Shuvosaurus", and was a member of the crurotarsan group Suchia (in the line leading towards modern crocodilians). Furthermore, Nesbitt demonstrated that "Shuvosaurus" was the same animal as "Chatterjeea", and that it formed a clade inside Poposauridae with "Effigia" and the South American "Sillosuchus". Despite the fact that "Chatterjeea" was no longer a valid name separate from "Shuvosaurus", Nesbitt continued to use the name Chatterjeeinae for this group, in accordance with ICZN rules of naming priority.Nesbitt, S. (2007). "The anatomy of "Effigia okeeffeae" (Archosauria, Suchia), theropod-like convergance, and the distribution of related taxa." "Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History", 302: 84 pp.]


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