Shaking rat Kawasaki

Shaking rat Kawasaki

Shaking rat Kawasaki (SRK) is an autosomal recessive mutant rat that has a short deletion in the reelin gene. Kikkawa S, Yamamoto T, Misaki K, Ikeda Y, Okado H, Ogawa M, Woodhams PL, Terashima T. (2003) "Missplicing resulting from a short deletion in the reelin gene causes reeler-like neuronal disorders in the mutant shaking rat Kawasaki." J Comp Neurol. 2003 Aug 25;463(3):303-15. PMID 12820163 ] This results in the lowered expression of reelin protein and reeler-like phenotype. Shaking rat Kawasaki was first described in 1988. Aikawa H, Nonaka I, Woo M, Tsugane T, Esaki K. (1988) "Shaking rat Kawasaki (SRK): a new neurological mutant rat in the Wistar strain." Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 1988;76(4):366-72. PMID 3176902 [ free fulltext] ]

See also

* Reelin
* Reeler


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