Eucryphia lucida

Eucryphia lucida

name = "Eucryphia lucida"

image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Oxalidales
familia = Cunoniaceae (Eucryphiaceae)
genus = "Eucryphia"
species = "E. lucida"
binomial = "Eucryphia lucida"
binomial_authority = (Labill.)Baill.

"Eucryphia lucida", commonly known as the Leatherwood is a small tree or large shrub found in forest in Tasmania. An attractive plant utilised in both the horticulture and apiculture industries, it was promoted by the Tasmanian Branch of the then SGAP as an alternative to the Tasmanian blue gum ("Eucalyptus globulus") for Tasmania's floral emblem. It was described as "E. billiarderi" at one stage, this now being a synonym.


Ranging from 2-10 metres (6-30 feet) in height, it can sometimes grow to 25 metres (80 feet) in favourable conditions. The small dark green glossy leaves are elliptical in shape and 2-4 cm (1-1.5 in) long. Appearing in spring and summer, the 2.5 - 4 cm diameter white flowers have four petals and resemble small single roses and have a strong fragrance, especially on warmer days. The flower parts are often covered with a sticky sap. Flowering is followed by leathery capsules which mature in autumn.

Distribution and habitat

It is widespread and common in moister forests in Tasmania, occurring mainly across the western parts of the state, from the northwest in such places as the Tarkine and through the South West Wilderness. It grows as an understorey plant and prefers wetter climates of 1500-2500 mm annual rainfall.

Fossil leaves from Early Pleistocene sediments at Regatta Point in South Australia show similarities to "E. lucida" and suggest a close relationship.cite journal | author = Hill, Robert S. | year = 1991 | title = Leaves of Eucryphia (Eucryphiaceae) from tertiary sediments in south-eastern Australia | journal = Australian Systematic Botany | volume = 4 | issue = 3 | pages = 481497 | doi=10.1071/SB9910481]


Leatherwood is easily propagated by seed or cutting and makes an attractive garden plant. A fast growing plant, it thrives in well-drained soil in a position with some shelter and extra moisture. It does require regular pruning to keep a neat shape. It is also utilized by Tasmanian beekeepers in the making of Leatherwood Honey, a noted monofloral honey.


*"Eucryphia" "Pink Cloud" (ACRA reference: ACC368) is a pink-flowered cultivar collected from plants growing near Smithton in North-West Tasmania in 1984 by Ken Gillanders.
*"E." "Leatherwood Cream" (ACRA reference: ACC006) is another selection, this time with variegated cream-edged leaves.
*"E." "Ballerina" (ACRA reference: ACC469) is a larger flowered from with pink flowers rimmed with red, collected from a plant in western Tasmania in 1986.
*"E." "Gilt Edge"
*"E." "Gold Rim"
*"E." "Dumpling" is a compact white-flowered form to 1 metre high developed in the UK by Suttons of Devon.


Leatherwood is used in musical instrument making, as a top for the acoustic Stompbox and guitar inlays by Western Australian luthier Ellis Guitars.


*cite journal | author = Gray, AM | year = 1966 | title = Leatherwood: Wildflowers of Tasmana - Part 2 | journal = Australian Plants | volume = 3 | issue = 26 | pages = 2534 | publisher = ASGAP | id=ISSN 0005-0008

*cite encyclopedia | author = Eliot, Rodger W. & Jones, David L. | year = 1986 | title = Eu-Go | editor = Eliot, Rodger W. & Jones, David L. | encyclopedia = Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants suitable fro cultivation | volume = 4 | pages = 1-447 | publisher = Lothian Publishing | id = ISBN 0-85091-213-X

External links

* [ ASGAP page on "Eucryphia lucida"]
* [ ACRA page on "E." 'Pink cloud']
* [ ACRA page on "E." 'Leatherwood Cream']
* [ ACRA page on "E." 'Ballerina']
* [ Eucryphia lucida in Musical Instruments: " Eucryphia lucida"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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