Jacques de Sores

Jacques de Sores

Jacques de Sores was a French pirate who attacked and burnt Havana, Cuba in 1555.

Other than his attack on Havana, little is known of de Sores. He was nicknamed "The Exterminating Angel" ("L'Ange Exterminateur").cite web|url=http://www.mrugala.net/Histoire/Grand%20Siecle/Pirates/Flibustiers%20et%20Pirates.html|title=Les ange noirs de la liberté|date=7-2001|language=French|publisher=Géo|accessdaymonth=20 March|accessyear=2007] He was the leader of a band of Huguenot pirates and a lieutenant or former lieutenant of another French pirate, François le Clerc, who was called "Pegleg" or "Jambe de Bois" on account of his wooden leg. Le Clerc and Sores had set out from France in 1553 with three royal ships and a number of privateers under commission from Francis I of France who was envious of the riches returning to Spain from the New World. Le Clerc had raided Santiago de Cuba in 1554, and some accounts mention a raid on Santiago de Cuba by de Sores, although whether this was as part of the attack by le Clerc is not clear. He may have used Cayo Romano and Cayo Coco in the archipelago of Jardines del Rey as a base of operations.

Details of the attack on Havana are also sketchy: the number of ships that de Sores used in the attack varies in different accounts from 2 to 40. Regardless of the number of ships involved, de Sores had little trouble in capturing the lightly defended town. Most accounts make it clear that he was expecting to find stores of gold in the town, while some claim he ransomed important members of the population. All agree that whatever his intention he was frustrated: he did not find vast reserves of gold in the city, and if he ransomed the population the ransom was not paid. He destroyed the fortress of Fuerza Vieja in Calle Tacón and burnt much of the city. He burnt the ships in the harbour and laid waste to much of the surrounding countryside. He also appears to have found time to organise a play "to insult the pope". The ease with which de Sores had captured the town prompted the Spanish crown to begin serious fortification. The Castillo de la Real Fuerza was built to replace the Vieja Fuerza and later the Castillo de los Tres Reyes Magos del Morro and the smaller Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta were built on opposite sides of the mouth of Havana habour.

In 1570 he murdered 40 Jesuit missionaries and threw their bodies into the sea off Las Palmas in the Canary Islands- crosses on the sea floor still mark the site at Malpique today.



*cite web|url=http://www.mrugala.net/Histoire/Grand%20Siecle/Pirates/Flibustiers%20et%20Pirates.html|title=Les ange noirs de la liberté|date=7-2001|language=French|publisher=Géo|accessdaymonth=20 March|accessyear=2007
*cite web|url=http://cuba-jardinesdelrey.com/en/history.asp|title=Jardines del Rey: History|date=2002|publisher=Jardines del Rey|accessdaymonth=20 March|accessyear=2007
*cite book|title=Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates|author=David Cordingly|date=1997|publisher=Harvest Books|pages=320|id=ISBN 0156005492
*cite book|title=Cuba: 400 Years of Architectural Heritage|author=Rachel Carley|publisher=Watson-Guptill|date=2000|page=224|id=ISBN 0823011283

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