En papillote

En papillote

En Papillote (French: "in parchment") is a method of cooking in which the food is put into a folded pouch or parcel and then baked. The parcel is typically made from folded parchment paper, but other material such as a paper bag or aluminium foil may be used. The parcel holds in moisture to steam the food.

The moisture may be from the food itself or from an added moisture source like water, wine, butter or oil.

En Papillote is perhaps most often used to cook fish. Choice of herbs, seasonings and spices depend on the particular recipe being prepared.

The pouch should be sealed with careful folding.

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  • Papillote — (franz., spr. pijotĭ ), Haar , Lockenwickel; papillotieren, die Haare, damit sie sich kräuseln, auf Papierstreifen etc. wickeln …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • papillote — PAPILLOTE. s. f. Paillette d or ou d argent. Un habit tout semé de papillotes. Il se dit aussi, De certains morceaux de papier ou de tafetas, dont on enveloppe les cheveux pour les faire tenir frisez. Mettre les cheveux sous les papillotes …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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