Gladicosa gulosa

Gladicosa gulosa


name = "Gladicosa gulosa"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
familia = Lycosidae
genus = "Gladicosa"
species = "G. gulosaa"
binomial = "Gladicosa gulosa"
binomial_authority = (Walckenaer, 1837)
synonyms ="Lycosa gulosa"
"Leimonia gulosa"
"Lycosa kochii"
"Lycosa nigraurata"
"Varacosa gulosa"
"Lycosa purcelli"
"Trochosa purcelli"

"Gladicosa gulosa" is a type of wolf spider found in Beech-Maple forests where the spider can be found in the plant strata of ground, herb or shrub. It is not one of the more common wolf spiders [Elliot 1930] .

Use in Pop Culture

In the style of Gary Larson, Mark Tatulli referenced the spider in his comic strip "Liō." In the strip, a jar labeled "Lycosa gulosa" is empty and a man (Liō's father) is walking away with the spider clinging to his back. [Tatulli, M. (2007). Lio. "". March 29th.]



* Elliot, F.R. (1930). An ecological study of the spiders of the beech-maple forest. "The Ohio Journal of Science," 30(1): 1-22. Retrieved March 29th, 2007 from Ohio State Knowledge Bank. [ Article]

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