

Infobox Film
name = Kiwi!

image_size =
caption = The opening titlecard of Kiwi!
director = Dony Permedi
producer = Dony Permedi
writer =
narrator =
starring =
music = Tim Cassell
cinematography =
editing = Dony Permedi
distributor =
released = May 5, 2006
runtime = 3 mins.
country =
language =
budget =
gross =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website =
amg_id =
imdb_id = 1051713

"Kiwi!" is a 2006 computer-generated animation created by Dony Permedi, a student in the New York City School of Visual Arts, as his Master's Thesis Animation, with music composed and performed by Tim Cassell. The animation's story of a kiwi bird that aspires to fly created a major Internet phenomenon after it was hosted on the video sharing site YouTube.

As of August 2008, the animation has been viewed over 18 million times, making it the most popular video in the "Film & Animation" category [] and one of the most popular on the entire site [] . It won official recognition on March 26, 2007 when viewers voted it the Most Adorable video of 2006 in the first annual YouTube Video Awards [ [ YouTube Video Awards] . Retrieved on 2007-03-29] . This was an event large enough to draw international media attentionRebecca L. Lee, " [ YouTube Goes Hollywood] ", ABC News. Retrieved on 2007-03-29] [" [ 'Ask a Ninja,' OK Go win YouTube Awards] ", CNN. Retrieved on 2007-03-29] Virginia Heffernan, " [ YouTube awards the top of its heap] ", International Herald Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-03-29] with ABC news describing "Kiwi!" as "so cute it hurts" while the International Herald Tribune, critical of the awards, characterized the video as being "sweet but dull."

The Video

The video itself centers around a kiwi bird who longs to be able to fly, and so nails trees to the side of a cliff. He then dons an aviator cap and jumps off, diving down head first. The camera then turns sideways, to make it look like he really is flying above a forest. He then disappears in the fog below. At the very end, a thump is heard from below the fog, implying that the kiwi bird fell to his death.


External links

* [ "Kiwi!"]
* [ Dony Permedi's website]
* [ Dony Permedi interviewed]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • kiwi — kiwi …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • kiwi — KÍWI s.f. invar. 1. Pasăre acarinată din Noua Zeelandă, pe cale de dispariţie, înaltă de 30 cm, cu aripile atrofiate, lipsită de claviculă, care se hrăneşte cu larve de insecte şi duce o viaţă nocturnă (Apteryx australis). 2. Fruct comestibil al… …   Dicționar Român

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  • kiwi — (n.) type of flightless bird, 1835, from Maori kiwi, said to be of imitative origin. As slang for a New Zealander, it is attested from 1918. The kiwi fruit (Actinia chinesis), was so called in U.S. from c.1966 when it was imported there, but it… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • kiwi — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mż ndm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} ptak nocny, nielatający, wielkości kury, bez ogona, z silnie uwstecznionymi skrzydłami i długim dziobem, żywi się głównie owadami, zamieszkuje wilgotne lasy Nowej Zelandii; nielot {{/stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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