BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ethics in the Bible — Ethics is the branch of philosophy which examines the question of what actions are morally right or wrong and why. The Bible contains numerous prescriptions or laws and many narrative accounts of ethical relevance.Ethics in the Hebrew… … Wikipedia
Moral Code of the Builder of Communism — Communist Party of the Soviet Union History Organisation … Wikipedia
List of MS-DOS games — This is an unexhaustive list of games available for the MS DOS operating system, organized alphabetically by name.See Lists of video games for related lists.0 9* 1 0 Soccer Manager Wizard Games of Scotland (1992) * 1 Ton Martin Magnusson (1996) * … Wikipedia
Christian video game — Christian video games were first marketed successfully by BibleBytes[1] in the early 1980s on several different microcomputer platforms and in the late 1980s for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) by Wisdom Tree. Now they are made by many… … Wikipedia
Christian video games — were first marketed successfully in the late 1980s for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) by Wisdom Tree and now are made by many different developers. [Rausch, Allen [ behind eternal forces/700684p1.html Left … Wikipedia
List of Christian video games by release — Here is a list of Christian video game releases in order of release date:1983*Music Machine Atari 26001991* Bible Adventures * * King of Kings1992* Bible Builder MS DOS * MS DOS * GameBoy * NES * Noah s Ark NES * Spiritual Warfare NES… … Wikipedia
Book of Mormon anachronisms — There are a variety of words and phrases in the Book of Mormon that are considered anachronistic as their existence in the text of the Book of Mormon is at odds with known linguistic patterns, archaeological findings, or known historical… … Wikipedia
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon — Part of a series on The Book of Mormon … Wikipedia
List of Russian people — The Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod, featuring the statues and reliefs of the most celebrated people in the first 1000 years of Russian history … Wikipedia