

Himakuntla is village in Pulivendula constinuency of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Himakuntla is located at 14.6333° N 78.1333° E. [2] It has an average elevation of 228 meters (751 feet).

It is a fast developing Village in Pulivendula constinuency with a population of more than 1,000.The Village has well developed roads and streets and water facilities unlike any other Village or town in the state.

The climate is temperate and the land is fertile. Commercial crops like sunflower, banana, sweet lemon are grown in village.

Sweet lemons are exported to other states like Assam, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.

The Village‘s main drinking water resource is Chitravati dam, Parnapalli.

Sri Anjaneeya Swami Temple,Srirama Temple ..Kasireddy Nayana Temple..are the main temples.

C.C Reddy of Visu consultancy came from the same village.Which has 60% literacy.Himakuntla has good facilities.Like School...for which Surrounding villages pupils come.Bus facility for every 1 Hour and Autos regularly.The High School is Started in the 1998.And Growing Very well with two flour building and Computer Facilities.

Year Topper1998 C.Sreenatha Reddy1999 Srilatha2000 C.Mahendra Natha Reddy.2001 c.v.Pradeep kumar ReddyAll of them Working As Software Engineers...

Telugu Film famous comedian PadmaNabhm ,SPY Reddy ,B.N.Reddy ...Came from surrounding villages of Himakuntla.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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