- Jonah Teomim-Frankel
Rabbi Jonah Teomim-Frankel (1595-1669) was author of the book "Kikayon deYona". He lead various communities as both aPosek andRosh Yeshiva throughoutPoland andLithuania . He is most famous for authoring "Kikayon DeYona" which is a commentary on theTalmud ,Rashi ,Tosfos ,Maharshal , andMaharsha to various tractates. His book was recently re-printed in 1958 inMount Kisco, New York by theNitra yeshiva (formerly fromSlovakia before theHolocaust ) with footnotes and glosses by RabbiChaim Michael Dov Weissmandl . He was buried in famous Jewish cemetery ofMetz ,France .ource
* [http://www.yarzheit.com/rebyona.htm Reb Yona Teumim Frenkel: Rov of Metz, Lorraine, France]
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