

Infobox River
river_name = Bodrog

caption = River Tisza & Bodrog at Tokaj from above
origin = Confluence of Ondava and Latorica rivers in Slovakia
mouth = Tokaj
basin_countries = Slovakia, Hungary
length = 67 km
discharge = 115 m³/s
watershed = 13,579 km²

The Bodrog is a river in eastern Slovakia and north-eastern Hungary. It is a tributary to the river Tisza. The Bodrog is formed by the confluence of the rivers Ondava and Latorica near Zemplin in eastern Slovakia. It crosses the Slovak-Hungarian border at the village of Felsőberecki (near Sátoraljaújhely) in Hungary, and Streda nad Bodrogom in Slovakia, where it is also the lowest point in Slovakia (94.3 m AMSL), and continues its flow through the Hungarian county Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, until it meets the river Tisza in Tokaj. A town along its course is Sárospatak, in Hungary.

Its length is 67 km (15 in Slovakia, 52 in Hungary). Its watershed area is 13,579 km² of which 972 km² is in Hungary. The river is rich in fish.

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