- Toreutics
Toreutics is the art of working metal, [Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art Volume II (Aesthetics) by G. W. F. Hegel and T. M. Knox (1998) p.161] [How to Understand Sculpture by Margaret Thomas, Kessinger Publishing, 2005, p.25] by hammering
gold orsilver (or other materials), engraving,embossing and chasing to form minute detailed reliefs or small engraved patterns. [Hutchinson Encyclopaedia. Helicon Publishing LTD 2007] Toreutics can include metal-engraving - forward-pressure linear metal removal with a burin. [Jewelry Concepts & Technology by Oppi Untracht (1982) p.283]Archeological background
Toreutics claims great antiquity. [How to Understand Sculpture by Margaret Thomas, Kessinger Publishing, 2005, p.25-6] It was practised in the '
Bronze Age ' and was well established centuries before theshaft graves . [Social Transformations in Archaeology: Global and Local Perspectives (Material Cultures) by Kri Kristiansen (1998) p.135] Toreutics flourished to an unusual degree among the peoples ofAsia Minor ,Assyria ,Babylon , and passed from thence toancient Persia . [The Cambridge History of Iran by I. Gershevitch (1985) p.154] One spectacular example of the direct influence of Persia in toreutics is believed to be theTreasure of Nagyszentmiklós found inTransylvania in 1799, and considered to be work of OldBulgaria n [A Short History of Modern Bulgaria by R.J. Crampton, Cambridge University Press, 1987] gold smiths. It consists of 23vessels and has been attributed toAttila 'sHuns , [The Empire of the Steppes, a History of Central Asia by Rene Grousset (transl. by Naomi Walford), Rutgers University Press, 2005, p.25] theAvars [Worriors of the Steppe by Erik Hildinger, De Capo Press, 1997, pp. 57-92] andPechenegs . The majority of scholars however, consider it Bulgarian (Proto-Bulgarians , [Bulgaria - Land of Ancient Civilizations by Dimiter Dimitrov, Foreign Language Press, Sofia 1961, p.33]Bulgars ), because of itsrunic inscriptions. [Bulgarian's Treasures from the Past by Ivan Venedikov, Sava Boyadjiev and Dimiter Kartalev, Foreign Languages Press, Sofia 1965, pp. 345-55.]Etymology
Toreutics comes from Greek -"toreutikos" [Sculpture: Some Observations on Shape and Form from Pygmalion's Creative Dream by Johann Gottfried Herder and Jason Gaiger (2002)] : of metal work; from "toreutos": worked in relief; from "toreuein" [Conspiracy Of Catiline And The Jurgurthine War by Sallust (2004/6) p.62/72] ; to work in relief; from "toreus": a boring tool; see" terə-" in Indo-European roots. The art of working metal or other materials by the use of embossing and chasing to form minute detailed reliefs. The origin of 'toreutics' goes back to 1830–40; < Gk "toreutikós", equiv. to "toreú(ein)" to bore, chase, emboss (v. deriv. of toreús graving tool) -tikos.
* Persian-Sassanid [Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity by Margaret C. Miller (2004) p.59] style (Fig.1),
Christian toreutics [The history of the origins of Christianity: Volume 3 by Ernest Renan (2007) p.95] (Fig.2, 3), Folk craftsmanship (Fig. 4),Bulgaria
* Beaten copper [Antique Brass & Copper Identification & Value Guide by Mary Frank Gaston (1991) p.19] (Tibet ), Fig. 4, 5, 6
*Tsuba gold toreutics (1860) Mito school.ee also
*History of decorative arts
*European art
*Preslav treasure
*Persian-Sassanide art patterns
*Treasure of Nagyszentmiklós
*Dhvaja References
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