Panteón de los Próceres

Panteón de los Próceres

The Panteón de los Próceres is a crypt inside the old Church of the Real Colegio de San Carlos - Royal College of San Carlos that holds the remains of the heroes of the Peruvian war of independence.

The Church originally belonged to the Jesuit novicate of San Antonio Abad, but it was transferred after the Jesuits were expelled from Spanish territories. The Church was rebuilt in 1746, after an earthquake that levelled Lima, and in 1876 it became the Chapel of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. In 1924, the remains of various heroes of the wars of independence (1821-1824) were transferred to a crypt just under the altar and the Church was renamed "Panteón de los Proceres". This "Panteón de los Proceres" should not be confused with the "Panteón de los Proceres" at the Presbítero Maestro cemetery. The "Panteón de los Proceres" at the Presbítero Maestro cemetery holds the remains of the heroes of the War of the Pacific of 1879.

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