

Taxobox | name = "Pameridea"

image_caption = "Pameridea roridulae"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Hemiptera
familia = Miridae
genus = "Pameridea"
genus_authority = Reuter, 1907
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision ="Pameridea marlothi"
"Pameridea roridulae"

"Pameridea" is a genus of insects comprising two species.


"Pameridea roridulae" lives in a symbiotic relationship with the carnivorous plant "Roridula". There are two "Roridula" species: "Roridula gorgonias" and "Roridula dentata". "Pameridea marlothii" only occurs on "R. dentata", while "P. roridulae" exists on both.

Life cycle

"Pameridea roridulae" can only live on the plant "Roridula" feeding on insects that the plant captures with its mucilage-tipped trichomes. After devouring the captured arthropods, it then proceeds to excrete waste, which the plant absorbs using glands. It is therefore a symbiotic insect because of this. It mates, too, while on the plant, and hatchlings continue to live on the "Roridula" plant.

Conservation status

Since it is symbiotic with the "Roridula" plant, its status depends on the status of the plant. The "Roridula" plant is scarce in the wild, due to collecting, pollution, and habitat destruction, although it is secure in cultivation from avid carnivorous plant enthusiasts.


"Pameridea roridulae" and "P. marlothii" both have wings; however they are not very good fliers. They are small bugs, usually not reaching more than a few millimetres in size.

Relationship with "Roridula"

The relationship with "Roridula" consists primarily of the fact that "Roridula" produces resin that cannot digest the bugs like other carnivorous plants such as "Dionaea muscipula", or "Drosera", "Pinguicula", "Nepenthes" and other carnivorous plants have. Thus, "P. roridulae" and "P. marlothii" devour the trapped insects on the "Roridula" and then excrete waste which is consumeable by the plant to supplement its carnivory since it grows in nutrient poor soil. Without the "Roridula" the "Pameridea" cannot find a food source; and ultimately die. They breed and live on the plant. Because "P. roridulae" and "P. marlothii" eat and digest the food for the plant, some carnivorous plant enthusiasts consider "Roridula" only sub-carnivorous; however it is only a matter of style. Even though "S. purpurea" uses a variety of worm to digest captured arthropods for them, and the same is for "Darlingtonia californica", "Roridula" is related in these ways. "Pameridea" have special feet with hairs on them that allow them to run through the plants' resin without being caught themselves.


External links

* [ Information on "P. marlothii" and "P. roridulae" and "Roridula" plants in general]

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