Borrelia anserina

Borrelia anserina

color = lightgrey
name = "Borrelia anserina"

image_width =
image_caption = "Borrelia anserina" not available yet, sorry :(.
regnum = Bacteria
phylum = Spirochaetes
classis = Spirochaetes
ordo = Spirochaetales
familia = Spirochaetaceae
genus = "Borrelia"
species = "B. anserina"
binomial = "Borrelia anserina"
binomial_authority = Sakharoff 1891; Bergey "et al" 1925

"Borrelia anserina" is a helical filiform spirochete bacteria with dimensions of approximately 8-20/0,2-0,3 µm and with about 5 to 8 spirals. Their mobility is very high. "B. anserina" can be colored with the May Grunwald-Giemsa method.cite book | author = Gheorghe Rapunteanu, Sorin Rapunteanu (editors) | title = Bacteriologie Veterinara Speciala | edition = I | publisher = Editura AcademicPress, Cluj-Napoca, Romania | year = 2005 | id = ISBN 973-7950-95-X ]


In Microbiological laboratories, "B. anserina" bacteria can be grown on special protein enriched mediums (rich in ovoalbumins or animal tissue (that countains Myoglobin)), in anaerobic conditions. They can also be grown in embrionated chicken eggs. The laboratory cultivation of "B. anserina" is rarely done and constitutes a diagnostic method in bird borreliosis and spirochetosis.cite book | author = Gheorghe Rapunteanu, Sorin Rapunteanu (editors) | title = Bacteriologie Veterinara Speciala | edition = I | publisher = Editura AcademicPress, Cluj-Napoca, Romania | year = 2005 | id = ISBN 973-7950-95-X ]


"B. anserina" is a pathogenic agent for birds (chickens, turkeys, ducks etc.) and causes a disease called "borreliosis" or "spirochetosis". This bacteria is transmitted from bird to bird by ticks from the "Argas" and "Ornitodorus" genus. The major symptoms of an infection with "B. anserina" are: anemia, diarrhea and severe neurological disfunctions.


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