

Skallestad is a village and statistical area ("grunnkrets") in Nøtterøy municipality, Norway.

The statistical area Skallestad, which also can include the peripheral parts of the village as well as the surrounding countryside, has a population of 532. [cite web | author=Statistics Norway | title=Statistics bank | date=2007 | url=]

The village Skallestad is located between Hårkollen in the south and Duken in the north. It is considered a part of the urban settlement Tønsberg, which covers the greater Tønsberg city area as well as the northern and eastern part of Nøtterøy. [cite web | author=Statistics Norway | title=Kart over tettsteder og sentrumsområder 1. januar 2005 | date=2005 | format= PDF| url=] The urban settlement Tønsberg has a population of 45,447, of which 15,818 people live within Nøtterøy. [cite paper | author=Statistics Norway | title=Urban settlements. Population and area, by municipality. 1 January 2006 | date=2006 | url=]


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