James Koskei

James Koskei

James Koskei (born 23 November 1968 in Eldoret) is a Kenyan runner.

At the 1999 World Cross Country Championships he finished fifth in the short race, earning a place on the Kenyan team that won the team competition. [ [http://mypage.bluewin.ch/tomtytom/iccu/wxc_iaaf/wxc_SM1999C.html 1999 World Cross Country Championships - men's short race] ]

Nowadays he runs marathons. His personal record, 2:14:02, was run at the 2007 Dubai Marathon where he placed 9th. At the 2007 Boston Marathon, he finished 4th.

He is a former football player. He started running in 1995 when he joined the Kenyan Army. He is married to Joyce and has three children [ [http://www.bostonmarathon.com/2007/cf/public/wnd_AthleteDetailsWindow.cfm?RaceAppID=24108 Boston Marathon website] ] .

He trains with Kimbia Athletics and is coached by Dieter Hogen.

He is not to be confused with James Kiplagat Kosgei (born 1984), another Kenyan runner [ [http://www.iaaf.org/athletes/biographies/letter=K/country=KEN/athcode=172896/index.html IAAF Profile - James Kiplagat Kosgei] ] .


*iaaf name|id=172511
* [http://www.kimbia.net/athletes/koskei Kimbia Athletics]

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