

Infobox isotope
background =#6CF
text_color =

alternate_names =
mass_number =234
symbol =Th
num_neutrons =144
num_protons =90
abundance =
halflife =24.1 days
error_halflife =
decay_product =Protactinium-234
decay_mass =234
decay_symbol =Pa
parent =Uranium-238
parent_mass =238
parent_symbol =U
parent_decay =alpha
parent2 =
parent2_mass =
parent2_symbol =
parent2_decay =
mass =234.043601
spin =
excess_energy =
error1 =
binding_energy =
error2 =
decay_mode1 =Beta decay
decay_energy1 =0.27
decay_mode2 =
decay_energy2 =
decay_mode3 =
decay_energy3 =
decay_mode4 =
decay_energy4 =
Thorium-234 is an isotope of Thorium with 90 protons and electrons and 144 neutrons. It has a half life of 24.1 days. When it decays, it emits a beta particle and turns into Protactinium-234. It has a mass of 234.043601 grams/mole. It has a decay energy of 0.27 MeV. Uranium-238 decays into this element.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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