- Radish Tordia
Radish Tordia ( _ka. რადიშ თორდია) (born Abasha,
August 21 1936 ) is a painter offigurative art from Georgia. He works in oil painting, with particular emphasis on colouristic features. His preferred subject is women, who he regards as "the most beautiful creation in the world." [http://accessarts.net/cgi-bin/webdata/webdata_artz.pl?&cgifunction=Search&all_search=Tordia World Artist Directory] , Accessarts.net]He graduated from the J. Nikoladze Art Studio in
Tblisi in 1956, and then moved on to theTbilisi State Academy of Fine Arts , from where he graduated in 1962. [http://www.artlondon.com/index.php?page=artistinfo&artists_id=7 Biography of Radish Tordia] , artlondon.com]He has been widely lauded in his home country, where he was denoted the "Honoured Artist of Georgia" in 1979, and awarded the State Prize the following year. In 1990, he became the "People's Artist of Georgia", and was the recipient of the "Order of Honour" in 1997. He has regularly exhibited throughout Georgia and
Russia since 1978, and abroad since 1980, includingTunisia ,Cologne ,Washington, D.C. andLondon . [http://www.artnet.com/galleries/Exhibitions.asp?gid=164360&cid=75063 "The Art of Radish Tordia, Jun 18–Jul 10, 2005"] , Hands of Time Art Gallery] [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3724/is_200007/ai_n8904648 "In a state of confusion"] , John Spurling, "The Spectator ",Jul 22 2000 ]His work can be found in the private collections of the Queen of the Netherlands, former Georgian President
Eduard Shevardnadze , former German political leadersHelmut Kohl andRoman Herzog . It is also exhibited at the TheGeorgian National Museum , theTretyakov Gallery and theMuseum of Oriental Art inMoscow , theRussian Museum inSaint Petersburg , and thePeter Ludwig Museum in Cologne.He presently lives in Tbilisi.
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