Ralph of Tiberias

Ralph of Tiberias

Ralph of Tiberias [Raoul de Saint-Omer, Raoul de Tiberias.] (d.1220) was briefly Prince of Galilee and twice Seneschal of Jerusalem in the Crusader states in Palestine.

He was exiled after an assassination attempt on Amalric II of Jerusalem. His elder brother Hugues had shortly before tried to get Ralph to marry Isabella of Jerusalem, and thereby claim the throne, after Henry II of Champagne died and before Amalric had married her. He went to Tripoli in 1198, Constantinople in 1204. [ [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/JERUSALEM%20NOBILITY.htm#RaoulGalileeSarept Jerusalem ] ] He gained a reputation as a jurist, being asked to edit the legal corpus of "Le Livre du Roi", and was given a later attribution of material in the "Assizes of Jerusalem", by Philip of Novara. [Steven Runciman, The History of the Crusades III pp.95-6.]


His father was Walter of Saint Omer, his mother Eschiva of Bures, called the Lady of Tiberias, daughter of Elinard de Bures [ [http://worldroots.com/brigitte/famous/c/charlemagnedesc-15.htm Worldroots.com ] ] . She remarried Raymond III of Tripoli in 1174.

He married Agnes de Grenier, daughter of Renaud, lord of Sidon. [ [http://genealogy.euweb.cz/french/stomer.html Saint Omer ] ]


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