Reijo Hammar

Reijo Hammar

Reijo Juhani Hammar (born 1953) is one of the most infamous criminals in Finland. He was named as a "Finland's most dangerous prisoner".

Hammar brutally murdered businessman Antti Johannes Eljaala on the Viking Sally ferry in July 1986. The men were on their way from Turku to Stockholm. Hammar was tried on one count of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Hammar escaped from Turku Prison in July 1988 with fellow prisoners Aaro Tenhunen and Martti Orajärvi. Hammar murdered Tenhunen in Lapland, but together with Orajärvi he went on to commit several bank robberies.

The fugitives were later caught in Stockholm and returned to Finland. President Tarja Halonen pardoned Hammar in December 2004.

Nowadays Reijo Hammar goes under name Andreas Hammar.

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