- Partenstein
Infobox German Location
Wappen = Wappen_Partenstein.png
lat_deg = 50 |lat_min = 3
lon_deg = 9 |lon_min = 31
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Unterfranken
Landkreis = Main-Spessart
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft = Partenstein
Höhe = 194
Fläche = 10.47
Einwohner = 2864
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 97846
Vorwahl = 09355
Kfz = MSP
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 6 77 170
Straße = Gemeinde Partenstein
Hauptstr. 24
Website = [http://www.partenstein.de www.partenstein.de]
Bürgermeister = Heinz Steigerwald
Partei = SPDPartenstein is a municipality in the district of
Main-Spessart inBavaria inGermany . It is north of the River Main in the upper tip of Bavaria Between North Baden and Hesse. The people from there are believed to be of Alamanni descent and believe themselves to be Franconian and firmly deny they are Bavarian. They speak in a Frankish dialect, however some dispute they are Franconian claiming that many came from and or were ruled by Mainz.The History of Partenstien The beginnings of Partenstien are in the fog of history prior to the Middle Ages and the earliest it has been documented is about 1180 when the Count of Rieneck built a castle there for hunting and to protect the road through the Lohr valley. The Counts von Rieneck [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grafen_von_Rieneck] is known as the founder and designers of village and castle Partenstien.The Counts von Rieneck had large land holdings and during the 13th Century began an expansive policy. From their master seat of Rieneck, in the east of the Spessarts, built castles around to settle and incorporate the area, at that time Spessart was a nearly deserted.Thus they the people came, and the Mainz archbishops ever more frequently tried to expand the Spessart from Aschaffenburg their sphere of influence and populate the area. The plan did not start off so peacefully, the first years of Partenstien were accompanied repeatedly by disputes and war actions.The first documentary mention of Partenstien is to these disputes was in the year 1233. It gave discrepancies between the diocese to Aschaffenburg and the counts von Rieneck because of new tithes in Partenstien.By this time the castle and the village was formed and occupied by farmers, forest was hewn and as fields were sown. By the wedding of the count Ludwig III of Rieneck with Elizabeth of the daughter of the count Ulrich von Hanau in October 1272 the counts von Hanau came into the possession of half of the village and the castle Partenstien.The village had thereby ruled (Condominium style) and was thus divided. The effects are well known even until the 20th Century. Disputes within the Counts von Rieneck, continuing conflict with the archbishops of Mainz, as well as those of Wuerzburg and chronic money scarcity led to the fact that the ownership of the Rieneck portion changed more frequently.In the castle also a chapel was kept available for services. In a listing of the Parish Taubergaues of 1344 also the Parish Partenstien is mentioned. In the first village church 1471 the high altar was consecrated. With the surrounding places, primarily with Lohr there were controversy and discrepancies over several centuries because of the Pasture?, or the pig run to the forest and the acorn tree's (?). This controversy with Lohr would persist up to the year 1805.
The first church was the castle chapel, but a gothic church was standing by 1471. On 6 April 1500 the village Partenstien got, by emperors Maximilian, the privilege of two fairs to hold the one on Sunday before Michaelmas Day (September 29), the other one on Saint Walpurga day (April 30th).
Around 1512 there is reported a glass work in the realm. The traces by glass works are to be seen there still today.In the Farmers War of 1525 also Partenstein on the farmers were on the side of the insurrectionaries. After the fight well-known farmers were lost, Schultz Hans Kilgenstein and Conz Jost from Partenstien, the men incurred the loss their life by their behavior during the rebellion. Others however were pardoned and had to live under strict conditions. As the further punishment Partenstien permission for the holding of the two fairs was denied. (today the municipality Partenstien tries to attain the right for the holding of the markets again?).It is not entirely clear when Partenstien became Evangelist. It may have been around 1540. In the year 1553 the number of inhabitants in the town was 450.
In 1559 the last count von Rieneck died without a male heir. The Lands of the Rieneck dropped back to the archbishops of Mainz. It is to have concerned half of the castle however only a small part of the village.In 1562 burned large parts down of the village. The timber construction method of the houses was usual in the Spessart Forest, and it favored the propagation of the fire. From the ;Hanauischen" rule the village took out a loan a loan repayable, in three years.The military men (soldiers) in the year 1569 were equipped with cans and mirror-image meals, they originated from 80 households.Until 1570 it furnished as a Mainz office in Partenstien, afterwards its tasks of the office in Lohr were noticed. The Hanauer had a "official" in Partenstien.
By 1603 Mainz accomplished in its area the Catholic reformation. The people of Partenstein were under sovereignty of the archbishops of Mainz had to become catholic, the larger part of the Partenstein, which remained under Hanauer rule, Evangelist.The catholics were cared for by the Vicar / Chaplin from Frammersbach, and/or visited them for services in Frammersbach.The respective rule affected their subjects in their sense and provided for it that neighbors, (possibly families) that different denomination were their enemy(?) The situation was still strengthened in "30 year war". There e.g. by the Mainz rule old rights of the other side were resended, the church for the Evangelist Christians closed.
The war actions did not pass so easy in the village. Many Partensteiner's going voluntarily.With quartering of soldiers of the different armies the supplies were looted, cattle slaughtered and the place became susceptible to epidemics and diseases. Trade Union of German Employees let as payment.
In the December 1631 the castle was pillaged / destroyed by Swedish troops. It is to be accepted that the destruction of the castle upon the requests of the Evangelist Partensteiner's, since it happened in this year very turbulent in Partenstien. There were 29 houses were burned down in Partenstien by these war actions.
Counter-Reformation (see Gegenreformation) And in 1639 the village had only 111 inhabitants, while in the year 1601 there were 577.1677 came the first Evangelist teacher, a Johannes Hopf, to Partenstien, it were a town clerk, 1695 also a Catholic school was also furnished.The school a building of a new school had already begun by 1707 at the upper way, which wasn't finished until about 1718.
The problems with the two rule in Partenstien became ever more unpleasant also for this. In the years around 1680 several solutions were tried. 1684 came it to an exchange of territory, Mainz transferred an additional part of Partenstien of Hanau in the exchange against possession into Lohrhaupten.In the larger Mainz sphere of influence the balance of power was out-played to the disadvantage of the Evangelist population. These events should affect themselves still over 250 years and affect the "climate" in the village.
Adolf Mueller, the son of the minister at that time draws the condition of the Partenstein castle ruin for 1793. It was kept no more and only partially whole. Only stepped gables and tower remainders remind of the earlier splendor. (the picture serves the historical workshop Partenstien as symbol)On 17 July 1796 it came between Frammersbach (Market?) and meadows, on the Sailhoehe, to combat between French and German troops. Partenstien and the surrounding places had to make all horse shoes? available, in order to after-drive the wounded ones to the troops. On 19 July Partenstien was occupied first by imperial, later by French troops. The Frenchmen plundered the village, so that the damage of the population to money, course cattle, slaughter cattle, Fourage, beverages, Esswaren etc.. 7695 guldens and 4 cruisers amounted to. The minister Mueller deplored one damage of 984 guldens and 5 cruisers and the teacher Diehl numbered his damage with 304 guldens. The minister had to hide itself in a wood hut and the teacher, who had not hidden himself became heavily abused. Buildings were destroyed and stolen objects of value.
The shaky and dangerous times stopped still the next years, 1800 Partenstien again attacked by French soldiers which had been already plundered by the troops. The shaky times continued, until Napoleon control were overcome in Europe. Mainz had been dissolved by Napoleon. After Napoleon had failed, Europe was again divided. Partenstein came therefore in 1814 to Bavaria.
1826 were again built the Evangelist and 1836 the catholic church.
On 1.10. 1854 were opened the railroad line Wuerzburg Aschaffenburg. The distance was single-railed, the second track 1869 was built. The travel from Partenstien to Lohr took 13 minutes and cost in the 2. Class 9 and in the 3. Class of 6 cruisers. The first test run between Wuerzburg and Aschaffenburg took place to 25.9.1854. The Partenstein population had already asked 1850 in a Petition for the preferred building of the distance, since the earning facilities were very limited. The building began however only 1852, on 3 November. 1853 were finished the viaduct.
Around 1869/70 the economic situation of the village improved somewhat. In the time there were hardly earning facilities before except the meager agriculture and small crafts enterprises. With the fact was it like that that the craftsmen maintained additionally still another small agriculture. Properties of parents were left on all children. Since the families had usually many children, the population of the village grew continuously, became properties which can be inherited ever less, and/or smaller.
Into this time the building of the second course track fell. The heavy spar mining developed by the opening of a 3rd heavy spar pit. From a description of the place of 1875 we know that in the village 249 families with 940 lived inhabitants. The sources of income were except the agriculture the cultivation of flax and the canvas preparing, the wood trade and the wood cart-loads, Daub and firewood making,as well as burning charcoal, which became wood transport after Lohr to the Main, from there it shipped and the consumers in the Rhine Main area or in the Ruhr district or until Holland transported.Likewise jobs had been created by the railway with the railway station as by the baron von Kiessling, who built three wood mills, which were converted later into other branches of industry.The Spar pits/mines, ( Schwerspat / barite) was promoted, and late had later to two mills. Also three nail smiths were busy with the production of nails.1900 died the founder of the Partenstein industry, the baron Gottfried von Kiessling. It had its whole capital invested into the building of mills, however expected success was missing.1904 the Catholic School at the upper way was torn down and 1905 built again. A description of the place was made, which gives us an overview of the culture and trade and trade:In 182 houses 717 Protestant and 380 catholics.The fire-brigade had 87 members, the Kriegerverein 59, the combat comrade association 42, in the fruit-growing association was 68 members and in the beekeeping association 16. The singing association had 25 active and 15 passive members. In Catholic worker association 26, in the man association 38 was and in the singer county? cosiness of 45 members. In the chicken breed association 20 and in the cattle cooperative insurance company 156 members had together-found themselves. In the turn association 46 members were announced.In the sticking and mechanical pulp factory of the Mr. Hitzler with water and steam strength claimant, above the village against Frammersbach (Market?) 17 workers were convenient busily.In the sticking and mechanical pulp factory of the Mr. Reinhard with water and steam strength claimant, at the Aubach behind the railway viaduct 30 workers were conveniently busy.In the Lohrtal, about a mechanical pulp factory was driven 2 km near Lohr, by the Lohr and gave work for 8 workers.In the Spar mill in the house NR. 1, 15 workers were busy.In the Spatbergwerken (Spar -/ pit / mine) 25 people were busy.There was still 2 corn mills as well as forestry commission office?, post office and course.The time was called economically good.That changed at the latest in the First World War (1914-1918).As out in completely Germany, then fallow also in Partenstien with beginning of war a true war hysteria. Inspired the soldiers hurried to the flags, in the faith in a fast victory wanted all on the "field of the honor" to pull.Some was sad, because he was not drawn in equal to beginning of war. It was still everyone in the memory that the war was terminated after a half year against France 1870/71.In the first months 104 Partenstein men pulled into the field.But the strategies were different than in earlier wars. Material battles with artillery duels for hours took place. Highly sophisticated troops e.g. combat aircraft, tanks as well as poisonous gas were used for the first time.
The euphoria had disappeared soon and the life at the front as also in the homeland became hard for most humans. The attitude of humans changed high losses on the battlegrounds and a difficult supply situation in the homeland.Those predominantly rural population should deliver large parts of their arable crops at collecting points. They rather sold their products into the cities such as Aschaffenburg and Frankfurt.The longer the war into the length pulled itself, the more largely became the lack and the financial requirement of the realm.The products of the industry and the agriculture had to be increased with fewer personnel. That led to it that for the first time women in large number into production had.
In order to cover the enormous financial requirement, the population was called twice annually for the design of war loans. Many gave their decoration off after the slogan: Gold I gave to the resistance, iron took I to honour ".The lack of metals led to the exploitation of a manganese lug in the area Gefaell/Reichengrund. For the same reason bells were fetched and melted.On 9 November 1918 in Berlin the republic was proclaimed and on 11 November took place the armistice.Many soldiers came ill and wound home, 65 left on the battlegrounds their life.The peace treaty presented heavy hurdles to Germany. The economy could not come into course. High reparations and the loss of substantial parts of the country demoralize additionally.
An economic upswing took place only in the middle of the thirties, however 1939 changed into the Second World War.Since in the process of the war the German industrial areas were destroyed ever more by hostile air raids, the there civilian population had to be evacuated.
Thus also many, at first from the Saarland, came later also from people who have been bombed out (of their homes) areas, to Partenstien. Living together with the Partenstein population was not simple, since the mentality of the strangers often gave cause for stresses.In the course of the war Russian, French, Yugoslav and Italian prisoners of war were used for support in industrial companies and the agriculture.Driving past courses and vehicles were often the goal English and American low fliers.When the war came into its final phase, by "leader decree" the formation of the people storm was instructed. All male members of the classes 1888 1928 were seized in addition. Per week a half day for the service with the weapon was prescribed.On 1 April 1945 the people tower had established barriers at the access roads. In the afternoon of the next daily American tanks shot at the positions of the German soldiers. The German troops were withdrawn, after they had blown up the three bridges over the Lohr, toward Ruppertshuetten. By that stout-hearted intervention of a soldier could be prevented the planned breakup of the railway bridge. The American soldiers conquered, after they had eliminated also the last resistance nest on the lock mountain, on the next morning against 8:00 o'clock the village.The population had itself during the fighting to a were in hiding to large extent in the forest, as well as into the spar mine and in the Schnepfental .136 men left their life for people and native country.
The new beginning after the war, started with broken roads, destroyed bridges, missing jobs, too little food, lack to consumer goods and bad housing shortage. The influx of more than 500 refugees of homeland in the years 1945-47 had to be managed.It lasted long time to the wounds of the war had grown together. The first years after the war ran off for many humans like the Vorkriegsjahre. Many led, except a regular occupation, still another small agriculture. In Partenstien developed some small industrial concerns, which were competitive however not for a long time and everywhere.
Only in the years between 1960 and 1970 the village developed. The rural character of the village went lost, likewise many jobs into the small Partenstein industrial concerns. Humans oscillated particularly after Lohr, where ever more jobs it developed in addition, to Aschaffenburg and Frankfurt.
The roads were removed, the houses of the population became larger and more beautiful. Not only in the local center, but also on the low mountains and hill was built.
But the citizens did not only build houses, also the associations, the carriers of the cultural life, built themselves association homes. A small trade area, offers also in Partenstien jobs. Among other things a school building, a gymnasium, a deep water well and elevated tank for the water pipeline, a fire-brigade equipment house, a city hall, as well as together with the neighbor municipality Frammersbach a purification plant were established by the municipality.
Since 1978 the places Partenstien, Wiesthal and new homes form a central administrative body.The relationship of the Partenstein to the surrounding places, which was usually very bad in earlier times, eventually normalized itself.
Some of the early families that made Partenstein there home, pre 1900's include but not limited to are: Amend / Am Endt, Behner, Born, Buff, Breitenbach / Breydenbach, Conrad, Graf, Grimm, Henning, Hettinger, Hohmann, Imhof / Im Hoff, Jost, Kilgenstein, Kunckel, Lieber, Mehrlig, Muench, Schipper, Steigerwald and Stuermer. Some other Partenstein names are Muetzel and Lang. History written, compiled and translated from various sources, including the German version Wiki, please update and correct.
LinksHistory in Germanhttp://www.gw-partenstein.de/artikel.php?id=20&sparte=geschichten
Village websitehttp://www.partenstein.de/
Partenstein Tilehttp://www.furnologia.de/furnologia/Galerie/galerie_ritter/galerie_ritter_hs.htm
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