

Infobox German Location
Wappen = Wappen_Grünenbach.pnglat_deg = 47 |lat_min = 37
lon_deg = 10 |lon_min = 1
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Schwaben
Landkreis = Lindau
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft = Röthenbach (Allgäu)
Höhe = 718
Fläche = 25.12
Einwohner = 1385
Stand = 2005-06-30
PLZ = 88167
Vorwahl = 08383
Kfz = LI
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 7 76 113
Straße = Ebratshofen 24
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Olaf Hoffmann
Partei =

Grünenbach is a municipality in the district of Lindau in Bavaria in Germany.


Grünenbach is located in the Allgäu region. It consists of the following districts: Ebratshofen, Grünenbach.


Before 1800 Grünenbach had been seat of a higher and lower court and balonged to Austria as a part of the Bregenz-Hohenegg authority, before becoming part of Bavaria. Since the signing of the peace treaties of Brünn and Preßburg in 1805 the town belongs to Bavaria. In the course of the administrative reforms in Bavariy the contemporary municipality was formed by the "Gemeindeedikt" of 1818.


In 1970 there were 1,140, in 1987 1,124 and in 2000 1,285 inhabitants living in Grünenbach.


The mayor of the town is Olaf Rüdiger Hoffmann (Unabhängige Gemeinderäte).

The revenue from the municipal tax added up to 658,000 € in 1999, of which the net business tax amounted to 206,000 €.

Economy and infrastructure

Economy, agriculture and forestry

According to the official statistics, in 1998 there were 160 emloyees who were subject to social insurance contribution in the industrial sector and none in the sector of trade and transport at place of work. In miscellaneous sectors there were 96 persons who were subject to social insurance contribution at place of work. At place of domicile there were 396 employees altogether. In the industrial sector there were two, in the main construction trade four businesses. Moreover, there were 67 agricultural businesses in 1999 with a total area of 1,415 ha.


In 2005 there were the following institutions:
*Kindergartens: 42 kindergarten spaces with 43 children
*Elementary school: Laubenbergschule Grünenbach

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