- John Hedley Brooke
John Hedley Brooke was the first Andreas Idreos Professor of
Science and Religion within the Faculty ofTheology atThe University of Oxford from 1999 through 2006, when he retired from the post. [ [http://users.ox.ac.uk/~theo0038/biographies/biobrooke.htm Basic bio-information from Oxford] ] In 2006 he became the president of theScience and Religion Forum . [ web cite|url=http://www.srforum.org/|title=Science and Relgion Forum Homepage|accessdate=2008-10-09 ]Biography
Brooke was formerly Professor of the
History of Science atLancaster University .Professor Brooke has taught many courses ranging from the history of the physical and life sciences to the philosophy of religion at the universities of Cambridge, Sussex, and Lancaster. He has been President of the
British Society for the History of Science and of the Historical Section of theBritish Association for the Advancement of Science . His research interests include the use of historical analysis to construct critical perspectives for the discussion of sciences as they bear on religious beliefs and religious beliefs as they bear on the sciences.He has lectured at many universities in America, Europe, Australia and the Far East. He has also lectured at Templeton workshops in Adelaide, Berkeley, Manchester, and Toronto. In 1998 he joined the Templeton Oxford Seminars Steering Committee, and gave several lectures at the 1999 seminars and led workshops at
Wycliffe Hall . In October 1999 he was appointed the first holder of the University's newly created Andreas Idreos Professorship of Science and Religion, and was also the Director of the [http://users.ox.ac.uk/~theo0038/ Ian Ramsey Centre] until his retirement in 2006. During November 2000 he gave the Alister Hardy Memorial Lecture in theUniversity of Oxford , and in November 2001 gave the Distinguished Lecture of theAmerican History of Science Society at its meeting in Denver.Professor Brooke holds a number of research directorships. He is coordinator of the European Science Foundation Network on Science and Human Values. Since 2002 he has been a foundation member of the Steering and Executive Committees of the
International Society for Science and Religion , and in 2003 he was elected Vice-President of the Science and Religion Forum. In the same year he was elected to the Senior Historians Conference in Windsor. He is co-director (with Martin Rogers) of the Templeton Science and Religion in Schools Project, and in 2004 was appointed co-director of the Oxford Centre for the Science of Mind (OXCSOM).In Oxford Professor Brooke is Director of the Master of Studies Programme in Science and Religion , and a Fellow of
Harris Manchester College , Oxford.Publications
His several books include
* Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 1991)
* Thinking about Matter: Studies in the History of Chemical Philosophy (Ashgate, 1995)
* Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion (T. & T. Clark, 1998) - 1995-1996Gifford Lectures , delivered withGeoffrey Cantor ( [http://www.giffordlectures.org/Browse.asp?PubID=TPRECN&] )
* Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions (ed. with Margaret Osler and Jitse van der Meer ) (University of Chicago Press, 2001)Notes & References
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