- Picollus
Piccolus is a demon or spirit in the
Dictionnaire Infernal , aka:Poccolus orPikulis : No doubt these names refer to the same deityOr|date=February 2008. He is not a demon but rather one of a triad of gods representing seasons including;
*Patrimpas (spring)
*Perkunas (summer)
*Picollus (winter)He is some kind ofdestroyer-god , or god of death. What Patrimpas brings, Piccolus destroys. He is believed to look like a pale old man with a long white beard and a large nose, often well dressed. He was revered by the ancient inhabitants ofPrussia often he was offered the head of a dead man but later a tallow was burned in his honor and blood was spilled on a dedicated tree, which would stay miraculously green.He would appear to important people during their last days. If he was not appeased by tallow, he would appear a second time when he required blood, usually of a goat or horse, and finally if not appeased a third visit when only human blood would satisfy him.
He was first recorded by
Teodor Narbutt a Latvian sage who compiled"Lietuvos Istorija" a record of many eastern theologies, spirits and demons. His name can be found back in the name of the pike weapon, and the German word "piken" (to poke with a sharp object).Resources
* [http://www.deliriumsrealm.com/delirium/demon_deplancy.asp]
* [http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Dictionnaire_Infernal]
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