

I n realist theories of international relations, bandwagoning refers to the act of weaker states joining a stronger power or coalition within balance of power politics. The term is opposed to balancing, and unlike "balancing", is a relatively new term. Bandwagoning was coined by Quincy Wright in "A Study of War" (1942) and popularized by Kenneth Waltz in "Theory of International Politics" (1979) (in his work, Waltz incorrecly attributes Stephen Van Evera with coining the term).Fact|date=November 2007

Bandwagoning occurs when weaker states decide that the cost of opposing a stronger power exceeds the benefits to be gained from supporting it. The stronger power may offer incentives, such as the possibility of territorial gain, trade agreements, or protection for the weaker states, to induce weaker states to join with it.

Realism predicts that states will bandwagon rarely, only when there is no possibility of building a balancing coalition or their geography makes balancing difficult (i.e. surrounded by enemies). Bandwagoning is considered to be dangerous because it allows a rival state to gain power. A belief that bandwagoning happens more frequently is sometimes considered to be implied by the theory of containment.

ee also

*Bandwagon effect (also describes the origin of the phrase)


*cite book
last = Walt
first = Stephen M.
title = The Origins of Alliances
publisher = Cornell University Press
date= 1987
location = Ithaca, NY
isbn = 0801420547

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