- The Butler Way
The Butler Way is a term that has been used throughout the course of the 2006-07 and now 2007-08 Men's
NCAA College Basketball season by broadcasters and sportswriters nationwide. ["See", "e.g.", [http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/mensbasketball/2007-02-14-butler-focus_x.htm "'Butler Way' includes sense of urgency,"] David Woods, "USA Today" (Updated 2/15/2007 1:11 PM ET).] [http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/seth_davis/12/04/hoop.thoughts/index.html] [http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/bball/stories/2008/01/09/osu_men0109.ART_ART_01-09-08_C1_R590OJ7.html?sid=101] The Butler Way demands commitment, denies selfishness and accepts reality, yet seeks constant improvement while promoting the good of theteam above self.History of the term
The Butler Way was originally forged by
Butler University 's legendary coach and administrator,Tony Hinkle . [ [http://butlersports.cstv.com/boosters/bulldogclub.html "A Message From The AD,"] Barry Collier (`76), Director of Athletics (ButlerSports.com 2007).]Butler Bulldogs 'Athletic Director [http://butlersports.cstv.com/genrel/collier_barry00.html Barry Collier] is often credited with resurrecting the term and its underlying attitude during his time as the Butler University Men's Basketball coach from 1989 through 2000. [ [http://www.intakeweekly.com/articles/1/026529-8751-154.html"There's no 'I' in Butler,"] Matt Gonzales, "INtake Weekly Magazine" (Updated 3/1/2007).] [ [http://www.ibj.com/html/detail_page.asp?content=1257 2007 Indiana newspaper article] ]The five principles
The Butler Way has become closely associated with the five principles of Butler Basketball. The five principles as posted in the Men's Basketball locker-room are as follows:
Humility - know who we are, strengths and weaknesses
#Passion - do not be lukewarm, commit to excellence
#Unity - do not divide our house, team first
#Servanthood - make teammates better, lead by giving
#Thankfulness - learn from every circumstanceee also
Team work References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.