Serra de Tramuntana

Serra de Tramuntana

Geobox | Range
name=Serra de Tramuntana

image_caption=View of the Tramuntana mountain range after a winter snow
area= | length= | length_orientation=
width= | width_orientation=
highest=Puig Major

map_caption=Location of the Serra de Tramuntana comarca in Majorca
The Serra de Tramuntana is a mountain range running southwest-northeast which forms the northern backbone of the Spanish island of Majorca. It is also the name given to the comarca of the same area.

Its highest peak is the Puig Major, which, at its 1,445 metres is the highest mountain in the Balearic Islands.

The climate in the Tramuntana Range is markedly wetter than the rest of the island. It is also cooler due to the height and a few days of snow are not unusual during winter.

External links

* [ Serra de Tramuntana info page]
* [ Information on the Serra de Tramuntana]

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