Doordarshi Party

Doordarshi Party

Doordarshi Party, a political party in India. DP was founded in 1980 by the Baba Jai Gurudev. The political base of DP was a was social reform and spiritual upliftment. DP never made any political breakthrough, and in 1997 it stopped engaging in electoral politics.


Role of Baba Jai gurudev

There are no evidences to show Baba Jai gurudev's direct political involvement but evidences suggest that he wanted to clean the existing political system. He launched a political outfit, Doordarshi Party (DDP) established on March 24 1980 at Ahmedabad, with a manifesto of social and spiritual upliftment.

Mandatory for Doordarshi Candidate

It was a mandate for all the candidates that they will follow pure vegetarian and Non-Alcoholic food habits & will refrain from intake of Non-Vegetarian food, liquor & eggs. The mandate was based on the fact that Vegetarian food has more sattvic (signifying positive) qualities than Non-vegetarian food while Non-vegetarian food has more Tamasic (slow or passive) qualities than Vegetarian food.

Doordarshi Party Manifesto

Few of the agenda items of Doordarshi Party are as follows:

  • The Constitution of India will be changed as it has failed to meet the requirement of people of independent India.
  • 90% of innocent people are being punished at jails due to the ineffective Law. All of them will be released.
  • Employment to each and every educated youth.
  • End of octri taxes
  • Farmers should be exempted from the Loan Repayment obligation
  • There will be a single tenure of five years for MLA, MP, Governor of State, Member of Rajya Sabha & Legislative Council & youth will get an equal opportunity. Retirement age for MLA, MP & Governor of state shall be less than or equal to 60 years.
  • Nationalized industries running in loss shall be given back to industrialists.
  • Black Money shall not be allowed to exist. Wealth Tax, Surcharge Tax & Sales tax shall be withdrawn.
  • Loans availed by farmers for agricultural purpose will be waived off.
  • Retirement age for Employees & officers shall be 60 years. Gratuity, Pension & Provident Fund shall be handed over to respective employee as soon as he/she retires. Rest facilities are confidential as of now and Indian Officials shall establish a new record.
  • Labor Unions have entered to Politics and governance resulting in loss to the laborers. Those Laborers shall be facilitated such that their wages are not impacted and they are able to live a social and personal respectful life.
  • Such a structure of existing Dowry System will be put in place that all sections of society shall accept it.
  • Intellectuals shall be given due respect that they deserve.
  • Loans availed by the India shall be all paid off.
  • Foreign Policies of the Doordarshi Party will be such that whole world shall consider India as supreme power.
  • Doordarshi considers disrespect of employees & official as unfortunate. Their respect and dignity shall be restored.

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