

Infobox German Location
Wappen = Wappen von Pinzberg.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 42
lon_deg = 11 |lon_min = 6
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberfranken
Landkreis = Forchheim
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft = Gosberg
Höhe = 336
Fläche = 13.33
Einwohner = 1931
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 91361
Vorwahl = 09191
Kfz = FO
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 4 74 158
Straße = Reuther Str. 1
Bürgermeister = Reinhard Seeber
Partei = CSU/Bürgerblock

Pinzberg is a municipality in the district of Forchheim in Bavaria in Germany.

Pinzberg lies in the region Upper Franconia west.

The following gemarkungen exist: Dobenreuth, Gosberg, Pinzberg, Elsenberg

HistoryPinzberg belonged to the Hochstift Bamberg. Since the realm deputation main conclusion of 1803, Pinzberg belongs to Bavaria. In the course of the administrative reforms in Bavaria, today's municipality developed with the municipality edict of 1818.

PopulationPopulation in the municipality in 1970 was 1,608, in 1987 was 1,696, and in the year 2000, 1,864 inhabitants were counted.

PoliticsSince 1996, there is a youth local council in Pinzberg. This was brought into being by the mayor at that time, Reinhardt Glauber. The acting Jugendbuergermeisterin is E.H. Hofmann.

The local council of Pinzberg has 13 members including the mayor.

COAT OF ARMSThe wappenbeschreibung coat of arms reads: In gold an in-curved red point, therein a silver gate tower also on both sides following silver right parallelepiped wall; beseitet in front of a black three-blade clover sheet, in the back of a black grain flower bloom.Pinzberg consists of the municipalities Dobenreuth, Elsenberg, Gosberg and Pinzberg. All places are to be represented gleicherma?n in the coat of arms. The tower is the landmark of Pinzberg and refers to the viergeschossigen church tower, that at the same time a gate tower of the cemetery attachment from the second H?te 15th Century. The in-curved red point is the symbol of the Dreifaltigkeit and stands for Gosberg and its branch church, which the holy Dreifaltigkeit is geweiht. The clover sheet stands for Dobenreuth and symbolizes the rare Patrozinium of the holy family. Since the Middle Ages both the terrestrial and the himmlische Dreifaltigkeit are often represented by nature forms such as Kleebl?er. The important agriculture of Elsenberg is represented by the Kornblumenbl on the coat of arms. The colors gold and black from the bambergischen Pinzberg coat of arms remind of the long-lasting relationship with the diocese Bamberg. In the year 1062 Heinrich IV gave parts of today's gemeindegebiets of Pinzberg the diocese. Coat of arms data: Wappenf?ung since: 1988 Legal basis: Resolution of the local council and agreement of the government of Upper Franconia Voucher: Letter of the government of Upper Franconia of 02.03.1988

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