Fred Worden

Fred Worden

Fred Worden, filmmaker, has been involved in experimental cinema since the 1970s. His work has been screened at The Museum of Modern Art, in the 2002 Whitney Biennial, The Centre Pompidou, in Paris, The Pacific Film Archive, The New York Film Festival, The London Film Festival, The Rotterdam International Film Festival, The Toronto Film Festival, and The Hong Kong International Film Festival. He was an editor for Criss-Cross Art Communications form the 70's through the 80's and his writings have appeared in Cinematograph. His work is included in in the Stan Brakhage Collection and the collection of the Centre Pompidou and others.Worden’s interest in intermittent projection: how a stream of still pictures passing through a projector resonates with a viewer on a level beyond representation . Fred teaches film and video production classes as well as film history and theory courses at the University of Maryland.

He received his MFA in film, from the California Institute of the Arts.


*Invisible CinemaFred Worden SOUND AND MOTION: GOING PLACES,
*San Francisco Cinematheque : *Energy and Deep Abstraction: The Graphic Cinema of Fred Worden. - 35k

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