Taillevent (restaurant)

Taillevent (restaurant)

Taillevent is the name of a restaurant in Paris, founded in 1946 by André Vrinat.


The restaurant was named in a tribute to Guillaume Tirel, called Taillevent, a cook in the 14th century known to have written the first cuisine book in French, "Le Viandier", ordered by Charles V of France "the wise".

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In 1946 Taillevent restaurant was founded by André Vrinat in a dining room of the Worms, located at Saint-Georges street, 9th district of Paris; the chief was then Paul Cosnier.

In 1948, it won his first star given by the French restaurant guide Guide Michelin. In 1950, the restaurant moved to the mansion of the Duc de Morny built in 1852, which was a family house before becoming Paraguay ambassy. Today the restaurant is located at 15, Lamenais street, in the 8th district of Paris.

In 1954 Taillevent restaurant got its second star with the chief Lucien Leheu. Son of the founder and graduated from HEC, Jean-Claude Vrinat began in 1962. In 1973, Guide Michelin attributed three stars to Taillevent restaurant, awarding the kitchen direction of the chief Claude Deligne.

The chef Philippe Legendre began in 1991.


Valérie Vrinat began in Taillevent from 1987. The same year opened a wine shop "Les Caves Taillevent" at 199, faubourg Saint-Honoré street in Paris. This wine shop is under the direction of Valérine Vrinat who began to work for Taillevent the same year.

In 2001, Taillevent restaurant opened another restaurant "L'Angle du Faubourg", located at 195, faubourg Saint-Honoré street, in Paris. Michel de Burgot left Taillevent Kitchens to lead "L'Angle du Faubourg", replaced by the cook head Alain Solivérès. Alain Comte is pastry cook head.

In 2004, Jean-Claude Vrinat decorated the restaurant with contemporary art and in 2005 the caves Taillevent opened a wine shop at Marunouchi, Tokyo in Japan.

In June 2006 Jean-Claude Vrinat launched a blog [ [http://taillevent.com/dotclear/ "La Nouvelle du Jour" about Taillevent, Jean-Claude Vrinat's blog (fr)] ] in order to share his art-of-cooking experiences. The same year, a wine shop "Les Caves Taillevent" opened in "Printemps Haussmann", Paris.

After Alain Lecomte left Taillevent, Arnaud Vodounou became the new pastry cook head.


February 21 2007, Jean-Claude Vrinat announced on his blog [ [http://taillevent.com/dotclear/index.php?2007/02/21/278-guide-michelin-2007 News about the loss of the third star on Jean-Claude Vrinat's blog (fr)] ] the loss of the third star, also announced in the International Herald Tribune newspaper [ [http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/02/22/news/eat.php Taillevent is demoted to 2 Michelin stars, Herald Tribune online] ] . January 7 2008, Jean-Claude Vrinat died of lung cancer. He was 71-year old.

List of chefs at Taillevent restaurant

*(2002-today) Alain Solivérès
*(2001-2002) Michel del Burgo
*(1991-1999) Philippe Legendre
*(1970-1991) Claude Deligne
*(1950-1970) Lucien Leheu
*(1946-1950) Paul Cosnier



* [http://www.taillevent.com Taillevent official website]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=travel&res=9904E3DD1038F937A25757C0A963948260 A review of Taillevent by New York Times newspaper]
* [http://www.linternaute.com/sortir/sorties/resto/dossier/06/taillevent/01.shtml A review "60 years birthday of Taillevent restaurant" by l'Internaute (fr)]

External links

* [http://www.taillevent.com Taillevent official website]

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