Francesco Appiani

Francesco Appiani

Francesco Appiani (1704-1792) was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque period, active mainly in Rome and Perugia. He was a pupil of Domenico Simonetti. Among his works, are a "Death of San Domenico" painted for San Sisto Vecchio, and for works in both Perugia and Assisi. He also painted lunettes for a church of a Benedictine convent dedicated to fallen women. In the chapel was an altarpiece by his contemporary Sebastiano Conca. The vault was frescoed by Cesare Sermei and the high altar had a painting by Matteo Salvucci. The church is today a political meeting hall.


*cite book | first= Maria|last= Farquhar| year=1855| title= Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters| editor = Ralph Nicholson Wornum | pages= page 10| publisher= Woodfall & Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London; Digitized by Googlebooks from Oxford University copy on Jun 27, 2006| id= | url= | authorlink=
* [| Appiani article]

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