Rachel Barrell

Rachel Barrell

Rachel Barrell is a British stage performer known best for playing Christine in the West End production of "Phantom of the Opera" from September 2004 until October 2006. She played the role for some time opposite London's longest running Phantom, John Owen-Jones, and was the Christine in his last performance, she also performed for the shows 18th and 20th anniversaries.

In February 2007 she played young Sally in a special charity performance of "Follies".Rachel has also previously performed in the musicals "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and "Beauty and the Beast".

External links

* [http://www.rachelbarrell.com Unofficial fansite]
* [http://www.thephantomoftheopera.com/poto/meet/meet_biog_RachelBarrell.php Bio page on the official Phantom of the Opera website]

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