Sylvester equation

Sylvester equation

In control theory, the Sylvester equation is the matrix equation of the form:A X + X B = C,where A,B,X,C are n imes n matrices.

Existence and uniqueness of the solution

Using the Kronecker product notation and the vectorization operator operatorname{vec}, we can rewrite the equation in the form: (I_n otimes A + B^T otimes I_n) operatorname{vec}X = operatorname{vec}C,where I_n is the n imes n identity matrix. In this form, the Sylvester equation can be seen as a linear system of dimension n^2 imes n^2. [Rewriting the equation in this form is not advised for the numerical solution, though, since the linear system version is costly to solve and can be ill-conditioned]

If A=ULU^{-1} and B^T=VMV^{-1} are the Jordan canonical forms of A and B^T, and lambda_i and mu_j are their eigenvalues, one can write:I_n otimes A + B^T otimes I_n = (Uotimes V)(I_n otimes L + M otimes I_n)(U otimes V)^{-1}.Since (I_n otimes L + M otimes I_n) is upper triangular with diagonal elements lambda_i+mu_j, the matrix on the left hand side is singular if and only if there exist i and j such that lambda_i=-mu_j.

Therefore, we have proved that the Sylvester equation has a unique solution if and only if A and -B have no common eigenvalues.

Numerical solutions

A classical algorithm for the numerical solution of the Sylvester equation is the "Bartels--Stewart algorithm", which consists in transforming A and B into Schur form by a QR algorithm, and then solving the resulting triangular system via back-substitution. This algorithm, whose computational cost is O(n^3) arithmetical operations, is used, among others, by LAPACK, Matlab and GNU Octave (in the syl function).

ee also

* Lyapunov equation


R. H. Bartels and G. W. Stewart, Solution of the matrix equation $AX +XB = C$, "Comm. ACM", 15 (1972), pp. 820 – 826.


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