Kurata Hyakuzō

Kurata Hyakuzō

Infobox Writer
name = Kurata Hyakuzō

caption = Kurata Hyakuzō
birthdate = birth date|1891|2|23|df=y
birthplace = Kyoto Japan
deathdate = death date and age|1943|2|12|1891|2|23|df=y
deathplace = Kamakura, Kanagawa Japan
occupation = Writer
genre = essays, stage plays
movement =
notableworks =
influences =
influenced =
nihongo|Kurata Hyakuzō|倉田百三|Kurata Hyakuzō|extra=23 February 1891 - 12 February 1943 was an essayist and playwright on religious subjects in Taishō and early Shōwa period Japan.


Kurata was born in what is now rural Shōbara city, Hiroshima Prefecture. He graduated from the No.1 High School in Tokyo and made his home in a cottage on the banks of Ueno Pond. Sickly all of his life, he traveled extensively around the Inland Sea region of Japan.

Influenced by the writings of Nishida Kitarō, he became interested in religion and philosophy. In 1917, he wrote "Shukke to sono deshi" ("The Priest and his Apprentice") a stage play about the 13th century Buddhist priest Shinran, which quickly became a best-seller. He also wrote "Ai to ninshiki to no shuppatsu" ("The Beginning of Love and Understanding", 1921), a collection of essays on diverse subjects ranging from love and sex to religion that became a classic with young people in pre-war Japan.

His grave is in Tama Cemetery, outside Tokyo.

ee also

* List of Japanese authors


* Kurata, Hyakuzo. "The priest and his disciples: A play". Hokuseido Press (1955). ASIN: B000N2BPJU

External links

*ja icon [http://www.aozora.gr.jp/index_pages/person256.html e-texts of works] at Aozora Bunko
*ja icon [http://www.pref.hiroshima.jp/sukoburu/vo13/kurata.html Kurata Hyakuzo Memorial Museum, Hiroshima prefecture]

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