Mark Twain (film) — Mark Twain is a documentary film on the life of Mark Twain produced by Ken Burns in 2001. Burns captures both the public and private persona of Mark Twain from his birth to his death. The film was narrated by Keith David and the voice of Mark… … Wikipedia
Mark Dawidziak — Born September 7, 1956(1956 09 07) Huntington, New York, U.S. Occupation Writer Mark Dawidziak is an American author and critic. Contents … Wikipedia
Mark William Hofmann — (born 7 December 1954) is an American counterfeiter, forger and murderer. Widely regarded as one of the most accomplished forgers in history, Hofmann is especially noted for his creation of documents related to the history of the Latter Day Saint … Wikipedia
Mark 15 — For other uses, see Mark XV (disambiguation). Gospel of Mark Mark 1 Mark 2 Mark 3 Mark 4 Mark 5 Mark 6 Mark 7 Mark 8 Mark 9 Mark 10 Mark 11 Mark 12 Mark 13 Mark 14 … Wikipedia
List of documentary films — This is a list of documentary films, arranged in alphabetical order. The year of release and directors of the films are listed in parentheses.CompactTOC8 !$@=no side=yes center=yes right=yes align=center nobreak=yes top=yes num=yes sym=yes symnum … Wikipedia
Earthlings (documentary) — Infobox Film name=Earthlings caption=Nature – Animals – Humankind – Make the Connection director=Shaun Monson narrator=Joaquin Phoenix and Persia White music=Moby distributor=Nation Earth released=2006 runtime=95 minutes… … Wikipedia
RTV Atlas — Infobox Radio station name = Atlas Radio city = Podgorica area = flagcountry|Montenegro branding = slogan = U cijeloj državi, a i šire English: In the entire country, and farther airdate = frequency = 90,7 MHz (Podgorica, Danilovgrad) 102,2 MHz… … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
Oxfordian theory — The Oxfordian theory of Shakespearean authorship holds that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (1550 1604), wrote the plays and poems attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford upon Avon. While mainstream scholars who take the Stratfordian… … Wikipedia
Shakespeare authorship question — … Wikipedia