

:"For other uses, see Boal (disambiguation)." Infobox Asturian municipality

othername= Bual
demonym Spanish = boalés/-a
demonym Eonavian = bualés
capital= Boal
coordinates =
judicial district = Valdés
parishes= 7
year= 2005
population= 2,180
population rank= 44
population percentage = 0.20
density= 18.32
area= 119
area rank= 31
area percentage = 1.12
highest point= Sierra de Bobia 1,162
postcode= 33720
mayor= José Antonio Barrientos
party= PSOE

Boal (Eonavian: "Bual") is a municipality and a civil parish in the Autonomous community of the Principality of Asturias in Spain. It is also the name of the capital of the municipality. The municipality is bordered on the north by El Franco and Coaña, to the south by Illano, to the west by Castropol and to the east by Villayón.

Civil parishes

*Boal (Eonavian: Bual)
*Castrillón (Eonavian: Castriyón)
*Lebredo (Eonavian: Llebredo)
*La Ronda (Eonavian: A Ronda)
*Serandinas (Eonavian: Serandías)

External links

* [ Federación Asturiana de Concejos]
* [ Enlaces sobre Boal. Guía del Occidente]
* [ Estado del Embalse de Doiras]

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